I do not like cleaning. I really do not like cleaning. I seriously do not like cleaning at all! The worst is vacuuming and mopping the floors, I hate it. I do vacuum, usually when I should have done it three days ago. I tend to forget to dust as well. And I never clean the windows. Oopsies.
I have started the habit of trying to end the day with a clean kitchen. However I need to start doing everything else. Therefore I have created this wonderful printable inspired by oh why did I not pin it a blogger who posted something similar last week.
As well as this schedule I have booked one hour in my iCal every Thursday for cleaning. This will be used for things such as cleaning windows *Yuck* and getting the guest room ready for guests. You can also check out my cleaning board on Pinterest.
Hmm.. I love cleaning! It has to be done anyway, so why not start to say you like it?
Please, please try, and I guarantee that you will love it a few years down the road ๐