Wow I am super excited to be blogging 31 days in a row! I have had a blog planner created for me by a friend earlier this year, but it does not suit my needs anymore. This time I am going to be creating my own using Photoshop and PicMonkey, and you will get one printable for FREE every day!
This post is a part of {31 Days of Blog Planning & Free Printables}
If you have not heard of it, October is the big 31 days of blogging, hosted by Nesting Place. I have created a Pinterest board where I collect 31 Days that I find interesting and informative, you can check out my board here. Also you can check out all the participants from 2011 and 2012.
At the end of this series I am going to be hosting my first give-away! I will give away a free, custom-made planner, that suits your design style! You will be able to choose the background you want, I will add your blogs name and you get a copy of all printables. As this is complete custom-made, no one will have the same one as you!
I have not quite completed my plan yet, but here I will update this list during the entire month. I will also add a link to every page so its super easy for you to find what you are looking for. Enjoy!
Linked up to: Nesting Place, DIY Dreamer, Dandelion Wishes
Okay, I’m impressed if you’re writing about blog planning and you already have the whole month almost planned out. Pretty sweet. I’m looking forward to learning more!
I am SO happy this is your 31 day plan…for very selfish reasons! I love learning about blogging and how to use planners. Yaaaaaaaaaaay!
Looking forward to seeing your posts and the printables!
Wow – what a fantastic topic! As the above commenters have expressed, I can’t wait to follow this series and learn more about blog planning. Thanks for offering such useful & engaging content.
What a great topic for your 31 days! I will be following this one. I need to get my rear in gear and get organized.
Way to organize already! Looking forward to reading this series!
I second Megan’s comment! I can’t wait to read all your posts in this series!
AWESOME topic! Oh…I’m here from the Nester. Can’t wait to follow along!
Looking forward to seeing your posts and the printable.A great topic indeed for your 31 days I’ll be following this one. I’ m intended to get my rear in gear and get organized.
I love the weekly planning printables.