Yesterday marked the day of my 5 year blog anniversary. It obviously snuck up on me so I do not have anything big planned for the occasion.
This blog has really ment a lot to me. I have been blogging about my passions and interest. But I have changed quite a bit over the last 5 years. Remember my resolution five years ago was to sew one garment every month. Thats cute. I sew multiple things per week since I have joined the Sew 52 weekly challenge because sewing has become a much bigger part of my life. I probably have a lot more fabric than I did 5 years ago as well. Make that most definitely. I still knit and still have to learn to crochet, so that has not changed. I believe I am stil working on a knitting project I started 5 years ago.
My love for organising and decorating still has not changed. Especially since I am doing a 26 week KonMari Challenge. My biggest new passion is of course Bullet Journaling, something I have been doing for a bit over 2 years. I also love cooking and baking so I have had quite a number of recipes here as well.
My most viewed posts ever:
- How To Start A Bullet Journal
- Bullet Journal 2017 Setup
- Hot & Cold Rice Bag Tutorial
- Wrist Warmers Tutorial
- Rice Bag Eye Mask Tutorial
My favourite posts:
- Marble Cupcake Recipe
- All my sewing 52 projects
- New blog design
- My Home Tour – looking at this post I see I really need to update it, a lot has happened in 1,5 years.
Looking Forward
I cannot have a anniversary without looking forward. I hope to continue to grow my little blog and “spread my wings of creativity” (jupp – thats my tagline). Also, I hope to be able to create some bigger projects, maybe making an e-book or an e-course. I am excited for the future.
I’ve heard so many awesome things about bullet journaling. I’m glad to know that you really like it too. I’ve been thinking about giving it a try. Maybe I’ll take the leap and give it a try:)