It is Monday today which means New Week – New Opportunities – New Goals. As far as I know, nothing exciting is happening this week. I have a full work week, but a two day weekend so I am super happy. I am hoping for some really good weather this weekend so I go to the woods and go blueberryhunting! Other than that, July is almost over so this week goes to planning August.
1. Finish as many posts as possible for August
I will start by planning what posts go when – with my new blog post schedule system that will be mo problem. Then I will write up as many as possible, at least start planning then or writing drafts. And schedule them if possible.
1,5. Plan Goals week 32-35
This kind of goes hand in hand with writing posts for August. Up to now I have more or less just been doing in on a week to week basis. I have to print out my goals printable list and fill them in (If you want this free printable, subscribe to my newsletter in the sidebar). I am thinking of also framing them or getting a clipboard and keeping them in-sight.
2. Schedule Facebook posts for August
This also goes kind of hand in hand with writing posts for August. This is also something I have been doing on a weekly basis, but I really want to get ahead of the game.
3. 12 Weeks To Goals – work on daily.
This is a new series I am a part of, and it is something I need to work on every day to be able to reach me goals and the end of the 12 weeks. This week is week 2/12.
4. Add soaps to my Epla store
I really have to start filling up my Epla store. My plan is to add at least one thing each week and when I have a 10-15 items have an opening sale – hopefully this will start driving traffic to my store and I will start make some money!
5. Organize my bedroom.
My bedroom has been quite messy lately (well I did organize it a bit last week) but I just have too much stuff. I have to go through my stuff, organize it, throw it away, donate it or sell it. I will have to take pictures of the things I want to sell and put them online (both on the norwegian craigslist-type of site and selling sites on Facebook).
Evaluation last week 1.5/3
I need to buy the social media book, I do not think I will ever be able to start reading it unless I have a hardcopy. I have downloaded it for my iPad but it is just not working for me. I also did not keep track of my dog walks, so no idea how long I walked, but since I did keep track of my 6.2km dog walk on Sunday I will say this goal is complete. My to do list however was not as successful. Since I spent most of the week in my hometown I just did not really have time or prioritized my blogging. Which is something I take complete responsibility for. I finished about half so that’s fine enough for half a point.
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Ahh! Planning in advance and writing posts in advance is such a great way to stay on top of blogging and get rid of some stress, but I never seem to be able to do it. I hope you have better luck 🙂