Yesterday I turned 23 years old!
I actually want to take this time to tell you my family’s birthday tradition. I love it and if I get a family of my own, its one of the things I will continue to do.
I lay in bed asleep waiting for my family to come into the bedroom with cake and presents. My favorite cake is my mums awesome apple cake. It’s the most delicious in the entire world. This is really a time for us celebrate as a family before everyone gets busy with their day. If someone is not there, they are usually on the phone, iChat or facetime. We eat cake together and I open presents. Then everyone goes back to their day with work and school.
Dinner is decided by the birthday girl. It’s always a difficult one. We usually go out to eat as well. The most common place of celebration has probably been Hard Rock Cafe. I’ve lived in several different countries and its usually always been there, but of course we have been other restaurants as well. This was a strong contender this year. They have so many different types of food there, so something for everyone. I had chicken quesadilla, two drink and brownies dessert.
Happy Birthday!!! funny, mine was on tuesday.
Happy Birthday!
I hope you had a nice birthday! What a wonderful tradition.